Nov 17/ 20
For my final lesson with my class in Mexico, I decided to do a review lesson and tie together the two parts of the IELTS writing test. For four weeks we worked on specific tasks and writing skills, so I wanted to review the overall parameters for the test while connecting the skills they had learned to both parts of the test and writing in general. In this way, I hoped to reduce their anxiety about writing the IELTS exam and boost their confidence in their writing ability.
I got another round of student feedback and it was much better. I’m glad the adjustments I made to my teaching style were effective. Flexibility is key, but I also think it is important to not take it personally. Different cultures, schools, students will have different needs and expectations. There is no such thing as one technique, or style, or teacher, that will reach every student every time. I need to be prepared to pay attention and adjust when necessary.
I didn’t expect to have an emotional reaction to the end of this practicum. It is hard to connect with the students online, especially with having technical issues where I couldn’t see the class chat or access the class list. I could only see a few people out of the 25 people in the class. I used a clip from Disney’s Inside Out as a lead in to saying thank you to the class for having me. It is the part where they discuss significant, or core memories, that help to create or shape aspects of personality. I thanked the class for being part of the core memory that helped to begin the “teacher” aspect of my personality. I was surprised to feel a little teary.